Hello. I'm Mark Cossey, Lead Product Designer.

Currently helping users analyse data and monitor network activity for potential criminal behaviour at Quantexa.

Having started my design career in 1995 as a Design Assistant for a global English language school working almost entirely in print, I transitioned to digital in the early noughties. Over the years I've worked in various industries and though the first half of my job title has often changed I remain a designer and problem solver through-and-through.

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Here are some things I've worked on:

Crunch's regeneration

Involved: UX Design, branding, strategy | Date: 2017

It would be unfair to call this a website redesign, well, because it wasn't just that. Having simply provided accountancy support for freelancers and contractors for a number of years, Crunch wanted to extend its reach into new markets with new products and services. In this case study, I'll talk you through the process of how we did that.

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Strategic design software vision

Involved: Design strategy, art direction, UI design | Date: 2015

Building a product is hard. Building and establishing a cross functional team is hard. Imagine trying to do both of those things at the same time. We used creative design strategically to help communicate the vision for our product by creating a fictional promotional video for our future product. This helped set the tone for the teams involved in designing and building the product and also aligned stakeholders and sponsors.

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Historical temperature trends

Involved: Visual design, UI design | Date: 2014

The remote heating system (Hive) by British Gas hadn't long launched but the feedback channel had well and truly been ignited by their early adopting clients. I worked on a concept that would allow users to see and learn more about heating trends both inside and outside their home.

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Smart energy reporting

Involved: Visual design, UI design | Date: 2014

With smart meters rolling out into millions of homes, valuable and actionable data was being collected into customers accounts. I worked on some concepts that would display this data in an understandable way so that customers had a better understanding of what they were using and spending.

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Esparter branding

Involved: Visual design, UI design, branding | Date: 2016

This was a side project for some previous colleagues who've started their own technology business. Their concept is to work with startups and their development teams to help get well designed prototypes built quickly and well.

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Barclays Bank Homeowners App

Involved: Visual design, UI design | Date: 2013

Having launched the iPhone version of their property search app, Barclays wanted to extend this to iPad. I worked on some visual concepts for how this might work.

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More about me

I'll keep this as brief as possible. I'm married with two daughters and when I'm not enjoying life with my family, I'm running, biking and (recently) swimming. I've taken part in too many running races to recall as well as 3 marathons, 2 triathlons and duathlon. Gardening offers me a sense of mental relaxation so I enjoy that a lot too. Personality tests often describe me as analytical and strategic and if pushed, my wife says I sometimes think too much.

Lets chat

I'm always up for a conversation about design so let's talk:

E: markcossey@gmail.com

T: 07766 257 996